Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving Break Assignment

Over each vacation this year (Thanksgiving, Christmas, February, April) you are required to complete a book/film project.  This is the same project for each vacation so if you were being a fastidious planner you could basically do these project whenever.

The description of this assignment is linked up HERE.  Remember - you can substitute the word 'book' for the word 'film' and complete the assignment as designed.  You may do up to two fictional books, one non-fiction book, and one film.  All films must be approved by me beforehand (NO DISNEY!) 

Here is the link to the RUBRIC I will use to grade you on this project.  Please be aware of the difference between 'meets expectations' and 'exceeds expectations'.  

A list of books and films is linked up HERE. Again, if you would like to do a book/film that is not on the list you must gain approval by me first (an email is okay).  Use your judgement and the quality/type of books that are already on the list to see if your choice of book/film is up to the content/rigorous standards of APWH.  

Side note - I hate reading books about things I don't like (ex/ the War of 1812 - gross.)   I wouldn't read that book carefully or give it my best level of work/effort.  Choose a book that sounds like something you'd be interested in.  It makes a world of difference.  

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Islamic Pocket Maps

Use map on pg 354 or in the Spread of Islam powerpoint presentation.

Things to label: 
- Spread of Islam from 632, 661, 733
- Byzantine, Frankish, Lombards
- Cities: Mecca, Medina, Baghdad, Damascus, Jerusalem

Post to your blog and tag it as 'pocket maps'

ALSO - we've already discussed the rest of the chapter in class.  You're responsible for completing the reading for the rest of Chapter 14.  Pace yourselves.  Quiz on Monday.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Homework 11/20

Tonight, let's look at what the Sufi Philosopher Al-Ghazali to say.

If needed, re/read 365-368 about Islamic Culture and values.

The first selection by Al-Ghazali is called On the Separation of Math and Religion.  Read all of the first reading and answer the two questions on your blog.  The second selection is called Deliverance from Error - it's long I know, but you're only responsible for reading paragraphs 1-17 (sounds terrible, they aren't long paragraphs).

Finally, answer the following question on your blog (it can be the same post as the first answers):  In what ways is Al-Ghazali's thinking similar to Plato's Allegory of The Cave?  In what ways do they diverge?

ALSO - Baghdad pamphlet due.

Coming down the pipe (Prepare yourselves):
CH 14 Quiz on Monday.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Homework 11/19

Finish Baghdad travel brochure (pg358) due Thursday) 

Read the next section of the book (pgs 359-365)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Homework 11/18

For tonight - Read 352-365 in your textbook (blue heading to blue heading)

Friday, November 8, 2013

Long Weekend Homework

and just when we all start to get bogged down with the stress and workload of school, a long weekend comes to save the day!  

This weekend, study for a Ch13 Byzantine quiz on Wednesday.  The format of the quiz will be 5 identifications (what is it?) and its significance/importance to the Byzantine Empire.  The words will be taken from the quizlet on the Byzantine Empire slideshow (or the handout) but beware - those are mostly just definitions.  There will also be 10 multiple choice questions. 

ID Format Example- Bezant - the unit of currency in the Byzantine empire.  It is significant because it becomes the standard unit of currency in the Mediterranean region, which represents the extent of trade done by the Byzantine empire in that region.  
I will be out on Wednesday, but I will make sure the sub has the quizzes for you.  

Wednesday night homework: Read pg 345-352 (to expansion).

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Byzantine Homework 11/7

Read the following primary source regarding Emperor Justinian's Code of Law HERE

Post your answers the the questions below on your blog:

1)  According to the prologue, what was the purpose of creating this code?
2)  What does this text cite as the source of Roman law?
3)  What, if anything, does this text teach us about Byzantine society?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Homework 11/6

 - Read pgs 330-340 (Finishing the Chapter)

- Finish your SPICE chart (Social, Political, Interactions with Environment, Culture (Religion etc), Economy)

- Last chance to post term 2 homework (map, venn diagram, etc)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy November (Rabbit, Rabbit)

Working with everyone's favorite mega-information hub today, Wikipedia (see, it has school uses)

You can search 'Decline of the Roman Empire' (or click the link).  Wiki will give you way more information than you need so you can skim through most of the entry.  First, read the section entitled 'Highlights' to refresh your memory of what happened as the empire was collapsing.

Then focus on Theories of a Fall, Decline, Transition and Continuity.  Wiki breaks the collective fall of Rome into four categories: Decay, Monocausal, Catastrophic collapse, and Transformation.  In your groups, read the Highlights then section assigned to you (see below).  Discuss it in your group and come to a consensus about the what theory is.

THEN - in your group, create a Imperial 'To Do List' for the Emperor to help him save the Roman empire (pre-collapse).  What can be done to address the issues?  Aim for at least 8 tasks.


  • Post on your blog whether or not you agree with the collapse theory you read about.  What does it explain well/where does it fall short? 

  • Study for a quiz on Monday - 15 Vital Vocab words (will be matching) and 20 MC about Ch 12.  I'm going to count them as separate quizzes on Aspen.  

1) Kim, Tori, Maya, Cassi, Sabrina - Decay
2)  Ashay, Dillon, Dan, Chris, Arvind - Monocausal
3)  Kush, Nathan, Hafsa, Michelle, Shravya - Catastrophic Collapse
4)  Rachel, Anjali, Shivesh, Tom, Olivia - Transformation